INSTRUCTION: Before you do anything, please check hareware of your local computer first. You need 17G hardisk for the VM image at least. Memory 1.7G is set to default. Dual core CPU is prefered. 1. Download the VM image to your local computer. 2. Unzip and untar the downloaded file with command 'tar -xvzf ' if your OS is Linux and Mac. If it is windows, use win.rar or other software to extract the file. 3. Download VM player for free in this URL: or you can search more with google. 4. Install VM player to your local computer. 5. Run VM player with the downloaded VM image. 6. Log into the VM image: prion 12345671 7. In prion home directory, there is a file called 'INSTRUCTION'. Before run resprox program, read that file first. 8. Enjoy.